For my Wildlife business management degree, I have done several internships, mostly revolving around animal care but this time I chose to visit a different type of organization. In August 2023, I landed in Costa Rica to spend 8 weeks with the research project of Adopt Rainforest.
I am waiting in Batán when a car pulls up with four happy faces waving to welcome me. They are Hanneke, her two children and Lewis, a volunteer. I immediately feel very welcome and that feeling has never left; it feels right at home here despite the huge difference. The busy student period has not started yet, so I have the luxury of first getting used to my place to live for the next few weeks in peace. There are only two volunteers present who immediately share some valuable tips such as, for example, that you should hang out your things as much as possible because this reduces the chance of mold due to humidity.
In my first week at the project alone I experience so much that does not fit in one blog. The following days there is an immediate tour of the huge garden which is full of all kinds of beautiful and edible things and where many insects and some lizards find a home. At dusk a giant toad visits, I see the largest grasshopper I have ever seen, a giant spider walks the wall and there is a good chance to see snakes. That last one has been causing me some anxiety for some time, I am not necessarily afraid of snakes but I am afraid of some of the dangerous species that live here. This first week a visit to the reserve is planned, frog pools are being created and we get to help. The climate takes some getting used to and soon I am dripping with sweat but what a beautiful place this is!
The following weeks I am awakened by the calls of a family of howler monkeys and the subsequent response of Zeus the dog. During my internship, I participate in mammal research by placing wildlife cameras in the reserve and by processing the data on a computer. Very cool to see what’s out here. Visiting the reserve is one of my favorite activities, even though I find it quite a tough hike at times. Among other things, we do butterfly counts here under the guidance of our project manager Hanneke. We note down every butterfly we encounter and by the end of my internship I already recognize quite a few species. The walks are different every time and the view from the mirador (the viewpoint) is beautiful. We also encounter quite a few cool animals along the way such as various snakes, the fer-de-lance, different types of racers and a hognosed pitviper. One day we even have a special encounter with a kinkajou that follows us high out of the trees with its gaze! These are nocturnal animals so it is very exceptional.
On the other days of the week I paint signs for the garden and sanctuary, create a mural of a prehensile porcupine and keep busy with my internship report. In addition, every week we spend an afternoon cleaning up trash in the streets of San Miguel after which we are rewarded with a nice ice cream, there is also the garden day where there are different chores on the program. Finally, I like to wander through the garden with my camera, there is a lot to see and occasionally the howler monkeys, different species of frogs, lizards and sometimes a sloth comes into sight! An if not there is always no lack of colorful insects.
Of course there is also free time, although my entire stay feels like an intensive vacation of sorts. The boat trip down the Pacuare River, early morning bird watching with Maarten, visiting the Irazú volcano and the welcome change from the dry air on the beaches of Puerto Viejo, Cahuita and Limón.
Thinking back on my time in Costa Rica, I would love to go back again. The memories of the high humidity, mosquitoes and sweat have disappeared like snow in the sun, making way for memories of the beautiful surroundings, good food and the tremendous hospitality of the project managers Hanneke and Maarten.
Did you read this and would you also like to come and do an internship in Costa Rica?
Stichting Adopteer Regenwoud’s research project is entering an exciting new phase thanks to a long-term collaboration with Utrecht University. The foundation was ready for a new step to professionalize the research project and Utrecht University was looking for a stable and reliable partner in Central America to conduct solid research in the rainforest. So for both parties this is a wonderful collaboration! Because of this we will make a big step in professionalizing our current research on biodiversity in our reserve. Together with the visiting students we will focus on scientific research in which the diversity and development of nature in our reserve, with an emphasis on flora, is central.
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From 25 hectares of grassland to a thriving rainforest
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