Adopt Rainforest reserve on Dutch television. | News| Adopt Rainforest

Adopt Rainforst on Dutch television!

At the end of September a crew of Dutch television came to film at our reserve in Costa Rica! The filming is for the programme 'De Buitendienst', which is described by the producers as a nature programme for children from 8 to 88 years ;-).

Adopt Rainforest reserve on Dutch television!

Adopt Rainforest reserve on Dutch television!

At the end of September a crew of Dutch television came to film at our reserve in Costa Rica! The filming is for the programme ‘De Buitendienst’, which is described by the producers as a nature programme for children from 8 to 88 years ;-). There are two episodes recorded. The first episode will be about trees and their superpowers, in which Matthijs will tell about the importance of the tropical rainforest.
The other episode is about biodiversity, in which Maarten shows how biodiverse our reserve is! 

Hereby the programmes in Dutch. Programmes require a NPO Start app.

Watch some fragments in Dutch of the recordings in the reserve here: